Angela Wachowich is a PhD student in English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago, studying eighteenth-century and Romantic literature and culture. She writes about the social lives of books, texts, and their users, though she is more widely interested in all processes of printing, illustration, book binding and collecting. Her current research follows the environmental life-histories of book-objects with an eye to material origins and supply chains, resource choice and allocation, technological change, and energy use.
Angela co-founded and coordinates the Chicago School of Book History with Dr. Eric Slauter. She previously served as the Lead Editor of the database Manuscript Verse Miscellanies, 1700–1820, a searchable database of eighteenth-century manuscript poetry books by often unknown provincial compilers.
In addition to her scholarship, Angela works as a Rare Books Assistant at The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center at the University of Chicago Library and an intern at W.S. Cotter Rare Books.
“‘Scratch it out’: Retrospective Editing in the Manuscript Verse Miscellany,” Gender, Literary Networks and Media Cultures in the Eighteenth Century. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press (Forthcoming, 2025).
Schellenberg, Betty A., Linara Kolosova, and Angela Wachowich, eds. “Letters of Elizabeth Montagu to the Duchess of Portland 1741-1742,” Elizabeth Montagu Correspondence Online, General Ed. Nicole Pohl, Digital Humanities at Swansea University, 2024, https://emco.swansea.ac.uk/.