BA Thesis Timeline
Below is a timeline guide to the process of writing a BA Thesis, as part of the Intensive Track in the English major. If you have any questions about milestones, requirements, or anything else regarding the BA Thesis, please consult the Student Affairs Administrator.
2nd or 3rd Year
Enroll in ENGL 21312 Research Methods, required for all BA Thesis writers (Note the course is first being offered in Fall 2025)
NOTE: Students planning to graduate in Spring 2026 interested in writing a thesis are not required to take ENGL 21312, per the requirements of their major. If they decide to opt-in to the 2025-2026 major requirements, however, they can decide whether or not to take the course as a requirement. Any student may take the course for elective requirement if not counting towards the specific Intensive Track requirements. For more information, please contact the Student Affairs Administrator.
Spring Quarter 3rd Year
Writing and Research Advisors (WaRas) are assigned and in contact throughout the quarter.
- Sylvie Boulette,
- Nell Pach,
Week 2: Info Session for prospective Thesis writers in the Intensive Track of the Major
Week 8: BA Thesis Proposal Due to WaRa adnd Student Affairs Administrator (SAA)
Faculty Advisors assigned after Proposal is accepted.
Summer Research Worksheet assigned by WaRas, faculty advisors notified of assignments, Thesis Writers begin reaching out to faculty advisors and begin researching (reading books, articles, etc).
Autumn or Winter Quarter 4th Year
Enroll in required ENGL 29900 Independent BA Paper Preparation Course. This class is required for Majors in the Intensive Track writing a BA Thesis and requires approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies for enrollment and arrange for appropriate faculty supervision. The course does not have regular meeting times or assignments, but rather gives you credit for the independent work you’ll be doing on your BA Thesis project Grades are typically submitted in the Spring quarter, even if the course has been taken earlier.
Autumn Quarter 4th Year
Begin regular meetings with WaRa for small group workshops and feedback on draft materials. Meet with Faculty Advisor for feedback as you narrow your focus and continue your research.
Week 2: Summer Worksheet due to Faculty Advisor, WaRa, SAA
Week 10: Joint BA Thesis Approval Form due, for those writing a Thesis for two majors
Finals Week, before Thanksgiving Break: Thesis Portfolio due to Faculty Advisor, WaRa, SAA
Winter Quarter 4th year
Students will complete most of their writing during this quarter (most thesis writers enroll in ENGL 29900 this quarter). Continue to meet with your Faculty Advisor and WaRa as you work on your first complete draft. Attend small group workshops and continue to meet WaRa deadlines for outlines and drafts.
Week 9: Complete/near-complete draft due to Faculty Advisor, WaRa, SAA, Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)
Spring Quarter 4th Year
Week 2: Second full draft of BA Thesis due to Faculty Advisors, WaRa, SAA
Week 4: Final Draft of BA Thesis due to Faculty Advisor, WaRa, SAA, DUS
Week 6: Honors Recommendation Letters from Faculty Advisors and WaRa Due to DUS
Week 9: BA Thesis Reading and Reception!