Department of English
University of Chicago
Walker Hall, 4th Floor
1115 E. 58th St.
Chicago, IL 60637
Fax: 773-702-2495
Applicants and current students should feel free to e-mail the staff members listed below if they have specific questions about the Department of English's doctoral or undergraduate programs, but the best mode of contact is through The staff will forward some of those questions, as necessary, to the appropriate administrators.
Department Administrator
Lex Drlica
Walker 416
Contact the Department Administrator for questions on the graduate program, including admissions, program administration, class scheduling, budgeting, advising, and graduate alumni updates.
Student Affairs Administrator
Trevor McCulloch
Walker 414
Contact the Student Affairs Administrator for questions about the undergraduate program, advising, class scheduling, and undergraduate alumni updates.
Chair's Administrator
Kirsten Cole Jackson
Walker 413
Contact the Chair's Administrator with questions about departmental events, faculty personnel cases, scheduling and logistics, and the website.
Faculty Administrators
Department Chair
Kenneth Warren
Walker 413
Associate Chair
Benjamin Morgan
Walker 512
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Benjamin Saltzman
Walker 518
Office hours T/Th 2-3
Director of Graduate Studies
Julie Orlemanski
Rosenwald 415A
English Proprietary Rooms and Room Calendars
If you would like to reserve Rosenwald 405 or Walker 403, please contact department staff at Please include the event title, date, timeframe, a contact name, and an e-mail address. Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Please click here to review the Rosenwald 405 rules. Keys for Rosenwald kitchen need to be signed out in Walker 413. Please click on the links below for room availability.
Rosenwald 405
(Max. occupancy: 40. Contains tables, chairs, white board, multi-media projector, Blu-Ray player, laptop connections, projection screen. Access to adjacent kitchen also available.)
Walker 403
(Max.occupancy: 15. Contains tables, chairs, conference phone, white board.)