Bellamy is currently pursuing a joint-PhD between the Committee on Social Thought and the Department of English. She received her BA with Honors in Philosophy and English from Georgetown University (2015), where she was the recipient of the Ora Mary Phelam Poetry Prize, the Lynch-Pendergast Medal, the Bernard M. Wagner Medal, and a Bucknell Fellowship for Undergraduate Poets.
At the University of Chicago she has been the recipient of the New Voices in Nonfiction prize, and co-founded and runs the interdisciplinary working group: “Contemporary Migrations: Poetics, Theory, Practice.” Her current research focuses on the poetics of apology and apologetic forms. Her poetry and essays appear or are forthcoming in the Chicago Review, SixByEight, Prodigal, and Gulf Coast.
- BA Preceptor for Majors in Creative Writing; Autumn 2018—Spring 2019
- Course Assistant for Narrating Migration; Professors Josephine McDonagh and Vu Tran, Spring 2019
- Graduate Coordinator for English Undergraduate Research Cluster on Migration, Spring 2019