I am a PhD Candidate, Fulbright Scholar, and SSHRC Doctoral Fellow in English Literature at the University of Chicago. From the perils of Blitz reading to the distant audiences assembled through the medium of broadcast by Caribbean writers living in postwar London, my dissertation investigates how modifications in select scenes of mid-twentieth century reading, experienced by readers as interruptions within the continuities of their prior literacies, produce corresponding alterations in how books and other media are handled, consumed, circulated, and disposed of in late modernist, wartime, and postwar literature. By showing how these interrupted literacies work, my dissertation uses the specific historical interruptions to which literature is susceptible, the accidents to which reading continues to make literature prone, as ways of better understanding the forms of continuity that literature develops through the lives of readers.
Teaching Experience
- Standalone Instructor, ENGL 12003: “How to Do Things with Books in Britain, 1910-60: Modernism, War, & After” (Autumn 2019)
- Course Assistant, ENGL 23400: “Virginia Woolf” (Winter 2019)
- Course Assistant, ENGL 11004: “History of the Novel” (Autumn 2018)
- Course Assistant, ENGL 16560: “Shakespeare and the Ancient Classical World” (Autumn 2017)
- Tutor in Composition, Writing Program (2018 to present)