I specialize in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature and culture, with particular interest in poetry, visual art, and the civic functions they have been engaged to serve.
I am completing a book, Adorned: The Romantic Poetics of Ornament, that makes the case that ornament is an essential but neglected poetic concept. It looks to Romantic-era writing about linguistic ornament as, most immediately, a guide to reading the ornamental poetry of the eighteenth- and nineteenth centuries; and, more broadly, as a locus for reconsidering the critical expectations that color the evaluation and enjoyment of poetry today.
My other ongoing book project is a study of miscellaneousness as an aesthetic and organizing principle in popular bibliographic formats (commonplace books, almanacs, albums, annuals, periodicals). It argues that the growing prominence of the miscellany in the late eighteenth century lays the groundwork for the rise of a modern—that is, phenomenologically-oriented—genre theory. Distinguished by a resistance to classifying principles, the miscellany provided a way of thinking of genre on the whole as a shifting field of interpretation, and not a rigid taxonomic structure.
My courses are regularly cross-listed with the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality and in addition to teaching about literature, I have enjoyed designing courses that relate constructions of gender to aspects of everyday life, like childhood, food practices, walking, emotion, illness, and, of course, reading and writing.
Selected Publication
- The Manuscript Book in the Long Eighteenth Century. Special issue of Eighteenth-Century Life. Co-editor, with Betty Schellenberg. (48.1) January 2024.
- “‘Where Are Your Books?’: Wordsworth’s Commonplaces.” Eighteenth-Century Life 48.1 (2024):
- 217-236.
- “Diction.” The Cambridge Companion to the Poem, ed. Sean Pryor. Cambridge University Press. Summer 2024.
- Review of Reading it Wrong: An Alternative History of Early Eighteenth-Century Literature by Abigail Williams. Modern Philology 122.2 (July 18, 2024): np.
- “Review of The Connected Condition: Romanticism and the Dream of Communication by Yohei Igarashi.” Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 53:3 (December 2020): 259-64.
- “Punning in Pure English.” Forum on poetics, “Poetic Language & the Outside.” Tupelo Quarterly (March 2020).
- “‘A Tongue in Every Star’: Anna Letitia Barbauld’s Poetics of Influence.” Essays in Romanticism 23.2 (2016): 193-210.
2024-2025 Courses:
- The Print Revolution & New Readers: Women, Workers, Children (graduate)
- Poetry in the Land of Childhood (undergraduate)
- Greece & Rome: Texts, Traditions, Transformations
- The Pleasure of Hating: Satire Now and Then
- Bad Readers
- The Print Revolution & New Readers: Women, Workers, Children
- Romantic Poetry and the World
- Mary Wollstonecraft & Mary Shelley
- Frankenstein’s Hideous Progeny
- Experiments in Epic Poetry
- Romantic Endangerment
- Gender & the Circulation of Texts