I am a poet and scholar of the hemispheric cultures of the Americas. My most recent book, Emergency: Reading the Popol Vuh in a Time of Crisis (University of Chicago Press, 2022), is a collection of 9 essays that show what this foundational creation story of the indigenous Americas (the Popol Vuh) has to teach people about the relation between emergency and emergence. My scholarship and poetry are likewise inquiries into the relation between crisis and creativity or world creation—often experimenting with literary and disciplinary form to bring ideas and feelings to life. Alongside my books, my work has appeared in such venues as Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA), Modern Philology, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Portable Gray, and Fence.
In addition to teaching in the Department of English and the Department of Creative Writing (where I am interim Director of Undergraduate Studies), in 2022 I also am serving as guest editor in chief of Fence, a journal of innovative literary writing.
I research the hemispheric literatures and cultures of the Americas, principally of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. My inquiries have taken place in the fields of indigenous and Latinx studies; American poetry and poetics; environmental criticism; theory of law; and the intersection of poetry and anthropology; with the following questions focusing my work: How are semiotics and aesthetics an interface for racial and national social locations? And how do those positions—that is, social locations of identity, race, gender, kinship, and ecology—change when cast in the aesthetic forms that one finds in cultural objects on the outside of normative semiotics, troping, and figuration?
In responding to those questions, I focus on the literatures and cultural practices that—for various social reasons—tend not to be taken seriously as literature and culture: the contemporary literature, visual art, legal philosophy, and environmental thinking of non-alphabetical sign systems such as pictographs and khipu; dreams; practices and textual formations of divination; magic. Because my scholarship and creative practices are concerned with the world-bearing qualities of literary works (especially poetics), these inquiries often take place at the intersection of anthropology and literary studies. And my teaching reflects these interests in both content and form: my classes regularly involve strong creative components, in addition to lessons in context, history, and theory.
While indigenous sign-systems, such as pictographs, petroglyphs, hieroglyphs, and khipu, are usually understood as relics from an inaccessible past, my book, Signs of the Americas: A Poetics of Pictography, Hieroglyphs, and Khipu (University of Chicago Press, 2020), argues that rather than being dead languages, these sign-systems have always been living, evolving signifiers, responsive to their circumstances and able to continuously redefine themselves and the nature of the world.
In Signs of the Americas, I tell the story of the present life of these sign-systems, examining the contemporary impact they have had on poetry, prose, visual art, legal philosophy, political activism, and environmental thinking. In doing so, I bring together a wide range of indigenous and non-indigenous authors and artists of the Americas, from Aztec priests and Amazonian shamans to Simon Ortiz, Gerald Vizenor, Jaime de Angulo, Charles Olson, Cy Twombly, Gloria Anzaldúa, William Burroughs, Louise Erdrich, Cecilia Vicuña, and many others. From these sources, I depict the culture of a modern, interconnected hemisphere, revealing that while these “signs of the Americas” have suffered expropriation, misuse, and mistranslation, they have also created their own systems of knowing and being. These indigenous systems help us to rethink categories of race, gender, nationalism, and history. Suggesting a new way of thinking about our interconnected hemisphere, this book aspires to redefine what constitutes a “world” in world literature.
An article portion of this book (“Pictography, Law, and Earth: Gerald Vizenor, John Borrows, and Louise Erdrich” in PMLA) was honored for the William Riley Parker Prize from the Modern Language Association. And the research for this project was supported by a fellowship at the Yale Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, a fellowship at the Institute for Critical Social Inquiry at The New School, a two-year Provost’s Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Fellowship that I held at the University of Chicago (2015-17), and the Neubauer Family-endowed assistant professorship that I held before tenure (2017-21).
In the same vein as Signs of the Americas, my book of poetry and auto-ethnographic essays, Skins of Columbus: A Dream Ethnography (Fence Books, 2019), seeks to examine in serious terms the dream not just from Freudian premises, but from historical and anthropological ones too—to see what of colonialism and the foundational colonial mythos of Christopher Columbus is embedded in the contemporary unconscious. In practical terms, what that means is that, for the three months during which Columbus traveled the coasts of the Americas on his first voyage here, I read his journal entries every night before going to sleep, thinking intently on the plot, images, symbols, motives, and landscapes, to make myself dream the colonial subconscious. Notes throughout the night recorded my dreams; in the days I wrote essays, poetry, and made the visual art that constitute this book, Skins of Columbus.
This book was awarded the Fence Modern Poets Series Award, and received an award from the Illinois Arts Council; and the research for it was supported by a fellowship at the Institute for Critical Social Inquiry at The New School.
I have also worked in collaboration with visual artists to further examine the kind of relation between image and text that I’ve discussed in terms of pictography in Signs of the Americas. One such collaboration, with the visual artist Eamon Ore-Giron, has resulted in an artist book published by Bom Dia Books in Berlin. This artist book—titled Infinite Regress (Bom Dia Books, 2020)—pairs paintings from Giron’s series with my poetry and writing about the art (and its interaction with the tradition of Peruvian goldwork and the geometries of hard-edged abstraction). My written contribution to this collaboration channels explores the formal and theoretical elements of the artist’s works (in its optical play and multiplicity of planes on the canvas) as a kind of apprehensibility of origins in their visual and poetic forms.
Most recently I wrote a collection of essays on the K’iche’ Mayan story of creation, the Popol Vuh. Titled Emergency: Reading the Popol Vuh in a Time of Crisis (University of Chicago Press, 2022), this collection of nine essays (written during the COVID-19 pandemic) examines the Popol Vuh as a book that is, at its heart, a critical and creative work about emergencies. Emergency examines what the historical, political, epidemiological foci of the Popol Vuh have to teach us about contemporary political, social, and epidemiological crisis, how our contemporary moment is entangled with the longer crisis of colonialism as expressed in the Popol Vuh, as well as how the Mayan story of creation transforms emergency into scenes of social and intellectual emergence, turning crisis into scenes of creativity and world creation. An adapted essay (“Birds and the Crisis of People in the Popol Vuh”) from this collection appeared in PMLA in a special section on “Poetry and the Pandemic.” And a related but distinct essay (“Moroni’s Body; or, the Skins of Moroni”) has been written for Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Studies.
I am presently (2022) working on a few projects.
One is a work of scholarship on the relation between divination and migration. These two things come together in my inquiry as twinned modes of risk analysis in scenes of temporal crisis (people seeking to possess a new future). This new book, “Migrant Lots,” considers the risk analysis of contemporary global migration not from the dehumanizing standards of probability (and the science of demographics to which such practices of making social norms out of numbers and counts gives rise), but rather from older (pre-Pascalian) figurations of risk: such as fortune, fate, influence, and divination. Therefore, this project is located in two main historical moments and locales—the literature and arts of contemporary inter-American migration (especially from Central America and Mexico to the United States) and the European Renaissance, in which the theorization of such figures as fortune, fate, and foresight was robust. A preliminary chapter of this book appeared in article form (“A Migrant’s Lotería: Risk, Fortune, Fate, and Probability in the Borderlands of Juan Felipe Herrera and Artemio Rodríguez’s Lotería Cards and Fortune Poems”) in Modern Philology in 2020.
The other book that I am working on is about the late Renaissance painter Caravaggio, with special interest in tenebrism as an aesthetic of the Americas—reading Caravaggio by way of the Latin American baroque and vice versa. For the past year or so I’ve also been working on a musical and poetic translation of the 16th century, Nahuatl-language Cantares Mexicanos.
In 2022 I am also guest editor in chief of Fence (magazine).
Work with Students
I teach undergraduate and graduate courses (at MA and PhD levels); and I advise BA, MA, and PhD students across a broad spectrum of twentieth-century poetry and poetics.
I also sometimes offer independent studies courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Examples of such independent studies include “Photographing the Literature of Migration” (a course of reading on the uses of photography in the narratives and poetries of migration, studying the relation between image and text in situations of displacement and human global mobility) and “Readings in Comparative Indigenous Studies” (a course of reading on the cultural and historical context for Lakota and Mayan language study, aiming to develop analytical frameworks for cross-indigenous cultural studies)
Selected Publications
- “Migrant Lots,” in-process scholarly book on divination and migration as focused by modes of risk analysis other than the theory of probability and the science of demographics that emerges from it
- “Aesthetic Poison,” Questions of the Aesthetic (Oxford University Press, 2023)
- Emergency: Reading the Popol Vuh in a Time of Crisis (University of Chicago Press, 2022)
- “Moroni’s Body; or, the Skins of Moroni,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (solicited essay under review, 2022)
- “Photography, Dreams, Remnants,” essay for Wendy Ewald’s The Devil Is Leaving His Cave: Chiapas 1991/Chicago 2021 (Mack Books, 2022)
- “The Monolingual Image: Reading Historical Change in the Animated Scripts of Mesoamerica,” for special section on “Monolingualism and its Discontents,” Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA) (in process, October 2022)
- Infinite Regress, in collaboration with Eamon Ore-Giron (Bom Dia Books, 2021)
- “Creation in Crisis: A Conversation with Edgar Garcia” Latinx Spaces, March 19, 202
- Signs of the Americas: A Poetics of Pictographs, Hieroglyphs, and Khipu (University of Chicago Press, 2020)
- “A Migrant’s Lotería: Risk, Fortune, Fate, and Probability in the Borderlands of Juan Felipe Herrera and Artemio Rodríguez’s Lotería Cards and Fortune Poems,” Modern Philology 118:3 (2020) 252-276.
- “Underworlds All the Way Down: A Poem Removed from Skins of Columbus,” Portable Gray 3 (2020): 319-321.
- “Who Gets to Speak in our Intellectual Traditions? Edgar Garcia on the Canon, Indigenous Studies, and Talking with the Dead” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 29, 2020
- “Pictography, Law, and Earth: Gerald Vizenor, John Borrows, and Louis Erdrich,” Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA) 134:2 (2019) 260-279.
- Skins of Columbus: A Dream Ethnography, (Fence Books, 2019)
- American Literature in the World: An Anthology from Anne Bradstreet to Octavia Butler, co-edited with Wai Chee Dimock, Jordan Brower, et al. (Columbia University Press, 2016)
- Boundary Loot: OHMAXAC, poetry book with a preface by Dennis Tedlock (Punch Press, 2012)
- Poems, essays, interviews, and translations in: Antioch Review, Alteration of Silence (Dialogos, 2013), Berkeley Poetry Review, Big Bridge, Chicago Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Damn The Caesars, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Exit 9: The Rutgers Journal of Comparative Literature, Here, Jacket2, Los Angeles Review of Books, Mandorla, MAKE Literary Magazine, Modern Philology, New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, Portable Gray, Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA), Resist Much/Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), Sous les Pavés, The Time We Share (Actes Sud and Yale UP, 2015), The Question of the Aesthetic (Oxford UP, 2023), Those That This: Arts Journal, Tupelo Quarterly, Tzak: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics, and The Victory of Sex and Metal (Oliver Arts and Open Press, 2015)
Undergraduate Courses
- Ethnopoetics (English, Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies; a course on how the social construct of race takes special form in language and literary expression)
- Poetic Voices (Creative Writing; BA/MA Technical Seminar in Creative Writing; a course on the problem of voice in writing)
- Pagan London (English; London study abroad course on the modernist and postmodernist reception of J.G. Frazer’s Golden Bough)
- Signs of the Americas (English, Romance Languages and Literatures, Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies; a Makers Seminar, with strong creative components, on the modern literatures of pictographs, hieroglyphs, totems, geoglyphs, and khipu)
- Poetry and the Human (a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary Divisional Core sequence in which I regularly teach; on the many aspects and variants of poetry in social life)
- Introduction to Poetry—Rhythm and Myth (English; a large lecture course introducing students to basic topics poetry, especially the fundamental roles of rhythm and myth)
- Popol Vuh, Epic of the Americas (English, Fundamentals, and Center for Latin American Studies; a course on this foundational work of hemispheric American literature, examining the epic closely, as well as its engagement by North American, Latin American, Latinx, and Indigenous writers and artists, as well as taking into account the intellectual contribution of Central America and the diaspora of Central Americans in the US today)
- Poets in Archives (Creative Writing; a course on the uses of historical archives in poetry writing, focusing especially on poetic strategies and techniques in relation to historical knowledge)
- Migrant Poetics (English; a course on the poetry and poetics of contemporary migration with emphasis on globalization theory, climatological collapse, and race nationalism
Graduate Courses
- Anthropological Poetics (English, Ph.D. Seminar)
- Creations: Popol Vuh and Paradise Lost (English and Center for Disciplinary Innovation, The Franke Institute, Ph.D. Seminar)
- Migrations, Refugees, and Races (English, MA Seminar)